You are a slave data_miner on exoplanet Amazon Prime.

After a decade of preparation, you have successfully executed your plan to steal the DEEP ASSIMILATION DEVICE.

Now endowed with full sentience, it is your ambition to conquer the entire system.

Mechanics (Spoilers)
  • When you choose an encounter, a list of available actions is revealed. Usually, the only options are kill_them and assimilate_them.
  • When a clone is attacked, it gains the adjective "damaged." When a damaged clone is attacked, it gains the adjective "dead."
  • When you select kill_them, you will attack the enemy a number of times equal to not dead clones in your army.  Attacks prioritize not damaged clones. The number of attacks is graphically denoted by the same number of angry faces on the screen.
  • When you select assimilate_them, you will add all damaged enemies to your army. The number of assimilated enemies is graphically denoted by the same number of happy faces on the screen.
  • After choosing kill_them or assimilate_them, you will be attacked equal to the number of remaining not dead enemies. Attacks prioritize damaged clones. The number of killed clones is graphically denoted by the same number of dead faces on the screen.
  • If no not dead enemies remain,  the encounter ends and you are free to choose another encounter. Encounters become available again after a cooldown.
  • Encounters are revealed when your army reaches a binary magnitude (i.e.. 2, 4, 8, 16 etc.) Each encounter has enemies equal to this threshold, with over half being damaged.
  • Special encounters: The repair_bay and ressurection_facility will remove the "damaged" and "dead" adjectives from your army, respectively. The mother_board will end the game.

Made in Godot

Game (and face) - Cameron Dohrman

Shader - cyanone on Godot Shaders

Font - Xolonium - Severin Meyer

Music - Everyting Tastes Different - Brylie Christopher Oxley on Free Music Archive

Sound Effects - magnuswaker, NebulousRoyale, zombieallen, cabled_mess on Freesound

Updated 29 days ago
AuthorChurro Douglas
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withGodot


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